Choose Your Own ADVENTure
Advent/Christmas Resources
There are so many ideas that you can use for Advent & Christmas.
And one size does not fit all!
We’ve done the hard work of finding and collating the ideas for you, so that you can choose what is going to work for your congregation and households. We’ll continue to add to these resources as we find more or more are updated. Currently updating for 2023.
Below you’ll find a selection of resources. There are resources for intergenerational worship & events. Plus there are resources that you can share with households of all types & ages.
If you’re looking for something that you don’t find here, email Jill – We might be able to help you find what you’re looking for.
Qld Synod Advent/Chrismas Resource – Love in Action: Preparing & Nurturing the Garden of the Soul
The Plenty Discipleship working group has again created intergenerational Advent & Christmas Resources to help Churches connect with their congregations and the wider community. The resources include themes and ideas for worship, community and congregational reflections and studies. These resources are available here.
Here’s a few of the resources that are linked in the table below.

Advent/Christmas Resources …
Many of the links are still for previous years resources. They’ll be updated as new 2023 resources are released. We’ve tried to note which resources are new or updated.
Faith At Home
Advent Packs
Advent Packs
Make up a box or pack for advent, including a number of resources in a box for households. You can use others ideas or make up your own box or provide a sample of a range of resources that households can choose from.
Advent 2022 resources:
- Advent pack bag label 2022
- Celebrating Advent Family Devotions 2022
- Christmas Fridge magnets as a family we could 2022
- Christmas Placemat 2022
Other Ideas include:
- Building Faith Advent in a Box
- Here some ideas sent to Building Faith of what some churches did in 2020.
- Faithful Families Advent and Christmas in a Box – Give the book along with materials for a few of the activities
- Advent LiFE Pack - Hope, Peace, Joy Love - This special Advent/Christmas LiFE Pack contains resources for 6 family sessions. Purchase a physical pack which contains most of the needed resources or a digital download & make your own packs.
- Drawing God for Advent Idea Kit – Can be used with or without the Drawing God book
- M&M Christmas Story - Poem to give with some M&M's
- Christmas @Home 1 & 2 now only $1 each (Australian) - Great booklets - include resources for some of the ideas in the booklet
Advent Wreaths & Devotionals
You can buy or make an advent wreath for households to use. One simple idea is to use a green plastic plate for the "wreath" with candles in little candle holders or even battery operated candles. Below are a few more Advent Wreath ideas, many also include weekly devotions.
- Bless the Advent We Actually Have: A Daily Devotional for the Christmas Season - You’ll find daily short reflections, scripture to mull over, blessings to pray, and discussion questions to ask around the dinner table. (New for 2023)
- Restoration Is Near - Advent at Home 2022 resources from Mennonite Church USA
- For Us, A Child is Born - devotional & instructions to make your own advent wreath in a box
- The Songs of Christmas Advent Worship Guide 2021
- Handout for Advent at Home
- A Journey Through Advent
- Simple Advent Wreath Devotional – great for all reading levels, for individuals or families
- Family Advent Devotional – make mason advent candles and use the family devotional – Devotional
- Advent Wreath using playdough
- 25 Ways to be Thankful - Light a candle each day in Advent and spend a minute or two taking it in turns to complete the "thankful" sentence for that day.
- Or make an advent spiral - salt dough with Mary on a donkey
Advent Calendars
There are many advent calendar ideas available that individuals and families can use. Here's just a few:
- 2022 Assembly Advent Calendar - Open a window each day on the page or download the calendar as a PDF
- Names of Jesus Advent Calendar (Australian) - beautiful boxed set $35
- 25 Days of Christmas - Scripture and Activities for Advent
- Simple Stone Advent Calendar
- Flexagon Advent Calendar
- Advent Calendar from SALT - Every day leading up to Christmas Eve has its own hand-illustrated card
- Bible Games Central Advent Calendar -On each of 25 days leading up to Christmas, read a short Bible passage and prepare your hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus! (New for 2023)
- A Mason Jar Advent - printable illustrated gift tags with an Advent prayer, activity, conversation starter, or social media prompt
- Praying in Color Advent Calendars - Different designs available each year. Updated with 2023 designs - Choose from shapes dated or undated, star, stained-glass or calendar grid templates. These are great for children and adults.
- More ideas from Building Faith
Or instead of a calendar use paper chains:
- Advent Paper Chains
- Names of Jesus Paper Chains - Ideas from Spell Out Loud and Surviving Our Blessings
Jesse Tree
A Jesse Tree is a tree branch decorated with symbols representing the stories of people in Jesus' family tree. In Isaiah 11:1 we read, "A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots." Jesse was the father of David, Israel's greatest king. And it was from David's lineage that Jesus came. That's where the idea of using a Jesse Tree to celebrate Advent came from.
- The Jesse Tree: Printable Pictures, Questions and Activities for Each Day of Advent from Flame Creative
- Let's Make a Jesse Tree - Easy step-by-step instructions for making a Jesse Tree Advent calender, plus 25 Bible readings for family use.
- Jesse Tree: God's Big Advent Story
- The Jesse Tree: An Advent Activity and Story Book
- The Ultimate Guide to Making a Jesse Tree
- Advent Jesse Tree - Let your tree tell the story
- SUNZ Jesse Tree
- Digital Jesse Tree - click on the image each day to hear about the symbol & reflect on "I wonder" questions
Advent Prayer Beads or Bracelets
Advent Prayer Beads - Prayer beads give you something to hold on to and help you focus as you pray. These prayer beads are a tool you can use to help guide your prayers during the season of Advent. Includes instructions for making the prayer beads, along with devotions for adults and children.
God's Big Rescue Family Time Activity - add to a bracelet or key ring as each part of the story is told
Picture A Day for Advent
#AdventWord is a world wide movement where you focus on one word each day during advent. The 2023 Adventword prompts have been announced. You can share a photo each day based on the word. Download bulletin inserts and social media-friendly images here, or join their Facebook page (updated)
Books for Ideas:
The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth
Books to read a chapter of each night:
This series by Arnold Ytreeide has a different main character in each book but they all end up in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus. Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger so you want to find out what happens. Great for age 4 - 18+.
More Books to Read
- The Nativity - Words from Luke 2 with illustrations by Julie Vivas
- Wombat Divine by Mem Fox, illustrated by Kerry Argent
- 'Twas the Evening of Christmas by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Elena Selivanova
- Look! A Child's Guide to Advent and Christmas by Laura Alary
Advent Christmas Craft & Cooking
- A Healthy Edible Nativity to Tell the Christmas Story (New for 2023)
- Playdough mats - from Flame Creative: Advent Journey, Angels & Shepherds,
- Christmas Angel Craft - make an angel with a paper plate
- Nativity Story Cube - Full colour or colour-in versions
- Nativity Star Craft & Prayers
- Loom Band Advent Stars
- Baby Jesus Manger Biscuits
Colouring & Drawing
Illustrated Ministry Colouring pages
Praying in Colour Advent Sheets - Mark of each day as we journey to Christmas by drawing or doodling a section on the calendar each day as you pray & reflect. Includes a calendar template with ideas of how to use it. A great resource for children and adults.
Nativity Set Ideas & Printables
- 21 Free Nativity Printables
- Play with your Nativity Set
- Paper City Nativity Scene
- Lego Nativity & more Lego Nativity ideas & even more (this one includes how to make Lego camels)
- The Wandering Wisemen - "The wise men wander through the night, to find the Light that shines so bright. So, look and find the wise men, three. You never know where they might be." This resource includes a picture book, a family devotional (Dec 1 - Jan 6) & 3 plush toy wise men to hide.
- 'Twas the Season of Advent: Devotions & Stories for the Christmas Season - Written in both prose and poetry, ‘Twas the Season of Advent will engage children and adults alike.
- Advent in Plain Site: A Devotion Through 10 Objects - You can access free digital resources, which include a group study guide, sermon series guide, and images for use during worship or study.
- Christmas Family Faith Trail - This Australian resource is designed to support families to grow in faith in the home through Bible reading, conversations and activities such as crafts and games. Families can pick and choose activities that are most useful for their particular family. Print the booklet off to give to each family in your congregation & ministry programs. This letter has information for ministry leaders.
- Use FAITH5 for Advent - Using the formula of Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless; families gather around the table or before bed, light a candle and engage in a 5-minute daily check in.
- The Songs of Christmas Advent Worship Guide 2021
- "Less is More" Christmas Poster & Devotional - fun-filled, faith-filled way to help families dial back the more & get closer to the heart of Advent & Christmas.
- Naming Jesus: A Family-Friendly Advent Devotional - about the many names we give to Jesus, & the life-changing names he gives to us. Simple home-based weekly ideas around the themes hope, peace, joy & love.
- Redeeming Advent - 24 Days - Each day starts with an anecdote or familiar activity from the ‘secular’ preparations for Christmas, leading in from that to a Bible passage and punchy commentary.
- Creation to Crib: An All Age, Intergenerational Advent Journey - this beautiful, hand illustrated devotional gives you opportunities to pray, discuss, think, and journal your way from Creation to Crib
- Tracing Glory: The Christmas Story Through the Bible - 25 days - From the creation of the world in the book of Genesis, to the new creation in the book of Revelation. In each day’s reading, there is a key Scripture to look up, a devotional commentary to read, and a helpful summary highlighting the key point and showing how that particular Bible passage points to Jesus, and questions to prompt discussion with your family.
- The Advent Creative Retreat Activity Book - 5 sections - offers a combination of meditations, prayers and activities.
Messy Church at Home
- Messy Christmas - This Messy Church at Home session focuses on the true meaning of Christmas and explores the theme of God’s gift to us in Jesus.
- Christmas Family Time - This minibook aims to transfer the core values of Messy Church to the home and family context, encouraging families to talk together, be creative, be hospitable, be Christ-centred and celebratory, and including activities for all ages.
Explore the Christmas Story
- DIY Christmas Play -
- Explore Nativity Art - Search online for nativity art, and look at how the same stories have been depicted differently by different artists.
- Explore the Story with old Christmas Cards
- Outdoor Nativity Trail for children & families
- The Adventure - Download a trail pack or QR codes for a fresh wander through the advent story
Christmas Eve & Christmas Ideas
- 5 Household Rituals for Christmas Eve
- Chocolate Christmas - Use chocolate bars to tell the Christmas Story & The Chocolate Christmas Story Bookmark
- 12 Days of Christmas Devotion Kit - Use 12 everyday household items to explore faith
- Christmas Eve for the Christian Household - ring bells, light candles & place baby Jesus in the manger
- Happy Birthday Jesus Family Take-Home Kit - 5 different activities families can do together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. (new for 2023)
Epiphany & New Year
- Chalking the Door Ritual
- Epiphany King Cake
- Star of Wonder - an epiphany story with ideas to use at home
- Epiphany Playdough mat - from Flame Creative
- Journey of the Kings - an Epiphany trail to journey like kings and find the treasures around us and within us
- And still more ideas ...
Intergenerational Worship & Events
Worship service & Nativity Play Ideas
- Christmas Participation Story - words for different parts of the congregation to say/sing during the story when certain words are said
- Rags to Riches - an all age service from NZ to explore the lives of the shepherds & their rags to riches story.
- A Community Christmas Event
- A Christmas Tableau for Children - with speaking & non-speaking parts
Advent Candle Lighting
- Spelling out the words - spell out the words with tea light candles that individuals can come & light
Intergen Event Ideas
- Gathering to Write: An Intergenerational Advent Practice - It uses the Advent C lectionary texts, but is adaptable for Advent A or B. Writing prompts and activities are offered for 'Everybody', the ‘Young’ and ‘Grown’ each week. (New for 2023)
- A Christmas Adventure: Printable Escape Room for Kids - Interactive printable escape room designed for kindergarten through 5th-grade children & offers a fun & exciting way to learn about the events described in Luke 2:1-20. (New for 2023)
- Interactive Christmas Workshop - UCA idea from Craig Mitchell
- A Storytelling Pilgrimage Through Christmas Story - A Christmas story pilgrimage is flexible and scalable. It can be set up outdoors or indoors. It can contain a few or many elements, offering the pilgrim different ways to enter and experience the story. This link contain ideas on how to set one up, with a sample guidebook for station ideas.
- Free Christmas Resource from Mainly Music - you'll find creative, engaging material whether people get up and mingle to learn or stay in their seats.
- Preparing our Hearts for Advent: An Intergenerational Celebration
- God's World in Community: Advent - Matthew's Story - Purchase this flexible, simple resource for intergenerational gatherings uses scriptures from the gospels to focus on key words.
- Advent Prayer Stations - Ideas for 8 Advent Prayer Stations
- The Certainty of Christmas
- Advent Prayer Stations - use during an interactive service or as an event on its own
- Outdoor Nativity Trail for children & families
- Illuminated Advent Path - and intergenerational event
Songs & Music
- Christmas songs from God Gives 4 - Nine Christmas songs from the classic 1990's songbook God Gives 4 have been rereleased for free with the permission of the publisher (UCA Assembly) and the songwriters.
- Christmas Songs from David MacGregor - Minister and Songwriter David MacGregor has made available some of his child-friendly Christmas Songs downloadable and with permission for streaming in worship/educational contexts.
- The Greatest Present - from Snack Music
Lost Sheep Stories (Australian)
Lost Sheep Stories – Great stories to read in church or gift to families, including Bethlehem Town, Jed & Roy McCoy, Jesus was a Refugee, The Three Wise Camels, Tonight in the Palace.
Messy Church Ideas
- Messy Christmas – This book has 3 Complete Sessions and a Treasure Trove of Ideas for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany
- Messy Church at Home - Good News - Ideas from Beth Nicholls
- The Gingerbread Man's Christmas Adventure - A Christmas Play, also includes a simplified version
Books to read in worship:
- The Nativity - Words from Luke 2 with illustrations by Julie Vivas
- Wombat Divine by Mem Fox, illustrated by Kerry Argent
- 'Twas the Evening of Christmas by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Elena Selivanova
- And here's a list of more ...
Books to help with worship preparation:
- The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth - Ideas for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
Christmas Eve/Christmas Day worship ideas
- Ideas for including children/families in the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service
- A Family Friendly Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols
- Chocolate Christmas Talk - Use chocolate bars to tell the Christmas Story & The Chocolate Christmas Story Bookmark
- No One Will Ever Know - Play focusing on what happened at the inn (new for 2023)
- Christmas: Stars in their Skies - Ideas for an Epiphany Party